This morning I stepped from my door on my way to work and for the first time this year I felt the coolness of fall in the air. Like many who live in this area fall is my favorite time of year. Fall represents a microcosm of what makes East Tennessee such a special place. Football season will be in full swing, fall harvest is underway, there are festivals in virtually every small town, fishing is not only good, but beautiful because of the foliage, and hunting season is about to begin.
Last year was my second year of deer hunting and the first year in which I was successful. While many grow up hunting and never forget their first kill as a child, the same is true as an adult. I had gone to visit my brother Donald in eastern North Carolina for a week of fellowship and hunting. I often find it odd to hear stories of brother’s who don’t speak or have interactions. My two brothers are probably my two best friends and short of my wife, they know me better than anyone. Spending time hunting is a great family time for me.

Following the advice of his friend Bryant who owned most of this land, Donald drove me to a spot where a platform had been built beside the canal separating two large fields. I reached the platform and wasn’t even settled in when I heard a twig break. I turned in time to find a nice six point buck jumping back into the wood line. There wasn’t even enough time to get a shot off. I stood surveying the wood line for well over an hour. I could hear the distance roar of dogs barking as they found the scent of deer. As the roar would get closer I would imagine a whole herd of deer busting from the wood line like wildebeest but that didn’t occur. The dogs would get close and then they would move away until I could only faintly hear their cries.
In that quite peaceful moment before the sun had even burned the haze from the field I sat staring at the yellow, orange, and red leaves in the wood line when my deer stepped out. His rack wasn’t impressive, but he had size, and he was a buck. He surveyed a path but before he could proceed I raised my shotgun, found him in my sites, and fired. I knew I hit him because the shot knocked him to his knees. He quickly scrambled up and tried to make for the wood line but my sites were still on him and my second shot guaranteed this day to be his last. He managed to cross the canal before falling and that is where I found him. He was an older buck, but his antlers never grew properly. This explained why such a big bodied deer had only cow horns. What should have been a six point buck instead had two antlers. I respected this deer like all of the others taken each year, but there is an order to life and this deer was to provide meat for me and my family. Life is fragile and his life was not wasted.