How many cliché remarks have we heard about time? How it flies, how we can’t buy it, and how it slows down for no one. 2012 is merely a memory and while 2013 lays ahead last year was a great year and I would be remiss not to high light a few of the personal and outdoors highlights of the year.
In February my bothers and I decided to meet with our families in Flat Top, WV for a first time ski trip. While none of us actually skied the tubing was fun and it was a great weekend with the family.
In early April the leaves are in full bloom and the spring hatches are in full swing as well. On April 13th, Garret, Jim, James, and I made our way to Hazel Creek in the Smokies for a great two days of camping and fishing.
Soon enough the heat of July was upon us and I used some vacation time to meet up with my brother’s and family on the Outer Banks of North Carolina to hang out at the beach and to take my first deep sea fishing trip. Although Patrick was ill and not able to fish with us it was certainly a trip that I’ll never forget.
The beach trip ended and I found myself on the friendly waters of the Clinch once more. This time my mother and father-in-law were in town to watch our kids so my wife came along. I wrote on this subject already but I was very proud that my wife was able to cast the line, set the hook, and bring her first trout to hand on this trip. What a great time we had that morning on the mist covered Clinch River .
Armed with my son’s 20 gauge youth model shotgun, the first weekend of September brought my first dove hunt. My 12 gauge would not cycle the 2/34’ shells needed for dove hunting so I took the only other gun I had. I was a treat and I see why so many people say dove hunting is the most fun you can have with a shotgun. I didn’t limit out, but I also didn’t go home empty handed.
As summer gave way to fall we had a combined family trip to Disney World. Four families all stayed together at the Animal Kingdom Lodge and it was a trip I’ll never forget. The satisfaction of seeing my nephews and all of my in-laws gathered around the pool enjoying the moment was an awesome site.
November came and my annual deer hunting trip to my brother’s house offered ideal weather conditions for the hunt. The morning started like most but on this day the wind offered us the advantage and the bucks were moving everywhere. Several nice deer were taken and my fear was that I would miss another golden opportunity. Donald set me out on a point where the wood line meets the field. I could hear the dogs turn back and assumed the deer they were chasing had turned as well. That’s when I saw a nice buck with his head down trying to make a break for the field. I drew, put a bead on him, and pulled the trigger. I thought for certain I missed, but as I looked for blood the deer laid not more than 20 yards again. He may not win any records but for a man enjoying his fourth season of hunting it was like seeing an Elk laying there. I was able to bag another 3 point buck later in the week making it my best effort to date.
The year of our Lord two thousand and twelve was a magnificent year and I can only hope that 2013 will be a worthy successor.