The English call them bramble and in the south, nothing says summer like the fruit that hangs from its vines. I’m speaking of blackberries of course and this summer has been a spectacular year for this wild berry in the Kelly house. It’s early July and to

date we’ve managed 14 lbs. of blackberries thus far. While the wild berries may not be as naturally sweet as the store bought berries there are plenty of recipes for this little berry. The tangled web of thorns and vines keep many predators at bay but for those who are persistent and willing to encounter a few scrapes along the way the reward is well worth the effort put forth. Here is what I call an Ode to the blackberry and few of the items we’ve made this year with this year’s berries.
Oh bramble bush of berry and thorn
On the path that lays clear and worn
Once more I’ve come to reap your fruit
That hang from your vine and thorny root
You scratch and claw and resist until I’m done
As I pick away in the summer sun
There will be cobblers, pies, and jelly for all
And wine with dinner come this fall
The berries on your vines are only a part
Of the thing I love that sets you apart
For as we pick in the beautiful weather
You give great cause to bring my family together