Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Post On Growing Old and Enjoying Life's Moments...

Each of our lives is like the rising of the morning sun at dawn.  It burst forth with beauty and wonder and no one knows what the day will hold.  Yet from the moment the sun rises it is destine to set and we seldom take stock of the day when the sun is over head at the noon hour.  Life’s joys too are taken for granted.  There are but a few small hours in which we fully understand the scope of these moments.  All too often the moment and is gone and the significance it played is only appreciated when we reflect back or we lose something that is dear to us.

Generations have grieved their losses; as too will I, for the time will come when my youth will leave me and I have suffered greatly and the only comfort I find is in the tender moments shared with those I love.  Their memories will haunt me like bitter sweet ghosts. Unable to set these memories free yet bound by the happiness they rendered.  There will be a time when my occupation passes me by, my children are grown, and the world begins to darken. This is the time when life, like the sun, slowly fades until there is light no more.  I pray the Lord will grant me eyes to see the moments of light in my life that they may keep me warm as I grow old, for only love endures through all time.  Yes generations have grieved, but only love endures through all time.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice post sir, remind me of two things very near and dear to my heart. Firstly the explanation of the concept of 'Love alone enduring' through all time by Fulton J. Sheen. Essential that the other Christian core virtues of Faith and Hope are unnecessary when in the end of time we bask in the Glory of Almighty God and Love alone will be for us. A love so good and so pure I usually use the latin word for it because we've yet to come up with one good enough in English. That when we are able to look upon the face of the Father with the saints(as saints ourselves) and angels that we will be completely enveloped in the Love that is God himself and that will endure eternally.

    Secondly the poem "Life's a Cigar"

    "'Life's a cigar': the wasting body glows;
    The head turns white as Rocky Top's* snows;
    And, with the last soul-fragrance still in air,
    The ashes slowly sink in soft repose."
    -George G. McCrae

